UPSC topper Nandini K R | Essay copy| What we can learn

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Essay topic: Empowerment of women in Indian Society : Myth or Reality

The essay begins with mention of a SHIP named INDIAN WOMEN. The ship is on a journey from past to present.

It witnesses changing status of women on its journey.

The ship (Indian women) faces many ICE BERGS (obstacles) during its journey.

The essay, then, covers status of women from prehistoric times BRIEFLY.

There are many questions asked at regular intervals?
“When can one say women is empowered?”

Gandhiji’s idea of empowerment is mentioned.

Feminism, definition of gender and changes required and role of socialisation follows next.

Measures taken in post-independence India and Constitutional provisions.

There is brief mention of Articles, women-related provisions of DPSP etc.
So, there is slight diving into details, but, not too deep.

MYTH and REALITY in different sectors is covered next.

Secondary sector: Legal and constitutional safeguards, but ground reality is different.

Domestic work and childcare not
counted in GDP calculations. In fact
NOT seen as WORK.

Companies: Appoint women at top positions but give few decision making powers.Political parties: Women empowerment in their agendas, But, few tickets to women candidates.

Again some questions are asked.”Is it attitudinal challenge or double standards?

Names of a feminist and an anthropologist are mentioned.

Some South-East Asian countries give equal training to girls and boys.

1/3rd reservation of seats at panchayat, but shadowed by husband/father.

Anti-dowry law, but fat wedding, commodification of women still continues.

There is no difficult English words to show off English knowledge.

Every page has 2-3 paragraphs

Mention of the SHIP is put on hold in the body of the essay.

Challenges to women empowerment like minimal representation in public institutions, rape culture, commodification etc. are mentioned.

International and national level solutions like HE FOR SHE, SELFIE WITH DAUGHTER etc. come next.

Paragraphs begin with catch phrases like “Small innovations can transform life of women…”

Every sentence of conclusion forces one read it time and again!

The ship mentioned in introduction makes a comeback in conclusion.

Future of Indian women is compared with a portrait being painted.
We only need to remove the dust currently over it.

The sun would gradually melt the ICE BERGS and journey of women would become
easier and safer.

151 Essays for UPSC

Overall structure:

Innovative introduction – Start with historical context – move to contemporary times – stick to KEYWORDS in topic (MYTHS & REALITY) – open multiple dimensions while sticking to the theme of the essay – mention international & national schemes currently in progress – outline issues in such schemes and suggest SOLUTIONS ( you are going to be a problem solver) – an extremely catchy conclusion – it should leave a long-lasting mark on evaluator  – it is like virtually compelling the evaluator to give decent marks

Essay copy of UPSC topper Nandini K R fits into the expectations of UPSC.The language is lucid. There is not a single difficult word. Essay begins with journey of a SHIP. The body of the essay sticks to the keywords – MYTH and REALITY. There is NEVER any deviation from the main theme of the essay.

The essay ends with a conclusion. Every sentence in the conclusion is creative in style. SHIP mentioned in introduction makes a comeback in conclusion. Going through the essay gives a feel of traveling on the SHIP mentioned in introduction of the essay.

On the whole, it fits best into what UPSC Essay should be!

The essay copy was shared by Vikas Ranjan Sir on his facebook page!


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